The Color of Champagne
We’ve all been there. A glass of champagne here…. another glass there… and soon you and that bottle of 1998 KRUG are the best of friends, you’re even thinking about getting matching tattoos. But what are you even drinking? Bubbles, yes. Grapes… well, duh.
It’s time to get specific people! White grapes or Red grapes?
This is the biggest question that will send the guests of your next dinner party staring into their glasses wondering what else in their lives they have been deceived about.
Hold your horses there and let me explain, i’m about to throw out my facts. It all depends on the kind. Chardonnay is WHITE grapes with WHITE juice. Pinot Noir is RED grapes with WHITE juice. In Rosé, the makers just leave a little bit of skin to preserve that gorgeous and indulgent colour.
So there you go, a little fun fact for the day. Now you can go show off to someone about how much you know! Lucky you!